Backorder Items are items that are temporarily out of stock but are available for purchase on our site. These items are very popular and sell out extremely quickly. For this reason, we have allowed customers to reserve these items by placing a Backorder. Order and pay now and we will ship it when it comes in. We fill all Backorders in the order they are received. By ordering early you will be earlier in line when it comes to getting a highly sought-after item. We also ship Backorders in the order they were received. This means your order will ship out before orders for the same item are placed once the item is in stock. Backorder Items can only be ordered on our website to ensure your place in line. We cannot take phone orders for Backorder Items.
Yes. When you place an order for a Backorder Item, we process full payment for the item(s) the same as we process payments for in-stock items. Payment guarantees your place in line so you receive the item at the earliest possible date.
Yes. Backorders may be canceled for a full refund at any time until the date they are shipped. Simply reply to your order confirmation email and request that it be canceled. Or, email us at [email protected] with your order information and cancelation request.
No. In Stock Items ordered with Backorder Items will be held and all items will ship together. If you want in-stock items to ship immediately, you will need to place two orders. One for the in-stock items only and one for the Backorder Items.
Backordered Items ship within one business day of arrival at our warehouse. All our Backorder dates are approximate, the average is 4-8 weeks. Depending on the volume of orders, your place in line, and the manufacturer’s production schedule, ship time can be longer than estimated. We cannot guarantee a specific ship date. We will ship Backorder Items as soon as they are available. Orders are shipped on a first come first served basis.
Yes. You will receive an email confirmation when you place your order. You will also be notified by e-mail when your order ships including the tracking number. As a reminder, customers are responsible for tracking the arrival of their order. LEDRIVEN is not responsible for e-mail notifications that were not received. Common email problems include misspelled or outdated e-mail addresses, SPAM filtering, host service blocks, or the customers� inability to access their e-mails. Add [email protected] to your safe sender’s list to help ensure you receive our emails and they don�t get caught in a spam blocker or junk email folder.